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Brenda Sue ClarkJohnson - Online Memorial Website

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Brenda ClarkJohnson
Born in Ohio
46 years
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lynn johnson missed always April 29, 2013
someday we will meet again 
Carol Bancroft memories April 25, 2013
I've only seen her a few times, she seemed like a very nice lady. Sorry I couldn't of knew her better. I am so sorry for your loss Brandi
Dallad Frost love and miss u nana March 14, 2013
We all love u and we all wish u were here.i am going to hit a homeun for u love and miss u. 

Tabitha My Memory March 12, 2013
I will always remeber the weekends I spent at your house when I was growing up and going to the Fair with your family.
brandi frost A daughter's promise March 12, 2013
My tribute to my mother. I wrote and read this poem at my mothers funeral along side my sister.

A daughter's Promise

Every time that i smile every time that i sigh, i think of your face and a tear escapes my eye. You were my world my inspiration and my heart, but when you left me i thought i would fall apart and i did for a little while. You were my best friend and my one true confidante and that's not all you were, you were also my mom. I didn't want to live without you but you would have wanted me to and if there's anyone i want to make happy that anyone is you. I would give anything to have you back but i know that God needed a special angel for you are still watching from above i know you will continue to watch over me. I'll make you proud mom I'm going to do everything you wanted me to do you're going to see me and smile and say that's my daughter. That's a daughter's promise Mom i love you and miss you deeply but i know i must go on you wouldn't want me to fall behind i will only fall behind for a short period that i promise there won't be a day that i won't think of you.

Love Always Your,
Baby girl
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