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Brenda Sue ClarkJohnson - Online Memorial Website

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Brenda ClarkJohnson
Born in Ohio
46 years
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Life story
The story of Brenda Sue Clark Johnson: Brenda's life growing up was rough she was raised by her grandparents and then her great aunt. Her life wasn't always easy but she made the best out of it. Growing up she lost her sister Bobbi Jo who was killed by a truck driver. She is the oldest child of 5 siblings. On June 16, 1982 Her whole life changed when I was born. She had to grow up fast. My mother was a young mother she was only 16. My father left my mom when he found out she was pregnant. But never for one minute did my mom ever think of not having me. Her life started to look up after I came along. In 1983 She met the man of her dreams and they got Married. She couldn't of been happier at that moment. All though she did not have a big wedding going to the Justice of the peace was good enough for her as long as her love was by her side. Brenda always felt like she was the black sheep of her family and always wondered why. She wasn't a popular person in school actually she was the one who always got picked on. When she found out she was pregnant she quit school. She never went back until the 90's. She then got her GED. In the early 2000's she got divorced from the man of her dreams. She was married 18 long years. My mom and adopted dad dated each other after the divorce up until 2012. In 2004 my mom became a grandmother for the very first time. She had a grandson that she cherished with her every being. In 2005 she became a grandmother for the second time but this time it was her first only granddaughter that she thought the world of. Her grand kids were her life. In June of 2012 my dad really broke and crushed my mom by being with some else. Finally my mom started to move on with her life and let the love she had for my father slowly fade away. Brenda was back in the dating scene. She met a guy and was really starting to be happy again so we all thought. Brenda never really let anyone know how she was feeling or what was on her mind. She was the type of person who didn't want to bother anyone with her problems. My mom became very stressed and depressed but still tried not to let everyone know. In 2011 she adopted one of my best friends(not legally)and she started to talk to us girls about what was on her mind more.My mom always made the best out of things. She grew up not having much but she always gave everything to everyone. She was always willing to lend a hand. She would do anything for anyone but she always said she was always there for everyone but no one was ever there for her. In Mid June when my dad left my mom for the last time my mom became very depressed and unsure of life. She was in pain and didn't know how to deal with it. Even with her being with someone new she was still having a difficult time living without my dad. She was ready to give up. Brenda was close to her grand kids and they are what kept her going. I never knew how much pain my mom was in until she passed away and i found a letter that she had wrote me and told me excatly how much pain she was in. My Mom tired to be a strong woman for everyone but herself. She took care of everyone but her self as well. Brenda had a lot of health problems but she tried her best. My mom was the greatest daughter, sister, mother, and grandmother that we could ever ask for.
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